集采背景下我国儿童药品采购现状及对策分析 点击下载
论文标题: 集采背景下我国儿童药品采购现状及对策分析
中文摘要: 目的 分析我国药品集中带量采购(简称“集采”)背景下儿童药品使用现状,为后续儿童药品集采规则的设计提供参考。方法采用比较分析法,比较集采中选结果和儿童药品实际使用现状、儿童药品差比价和挂网价,分析儿童药品在集采和临床使用供应中的问题,并对儿童药品集采和定价规则的优化提出建议。结果与结论我国儿童药品需求增大,但已上市儿童药品供给不足(包括疾病领域覆盖不足、品种不足、儿童适宜剂型不足、儿童适宜规格不足等),且儿童药品研发较为困难。按照医保目录合并剂型集采后,部分儿童适宜剂型和规格无法中选,导致临床儿童用药短缺,相关企业研发生产儿童药品和参与挂网竞争的积极性降低。另外,在现有药品差比价规则下,未中选儿童药品的定价也存在过低的现象。建议在进行药品集采时,应基于儿童药品属性和适应证覆盖人群,对儿童专用药品进行单独分组集采;将未中选儿童适宜药品品规按一定比例折算入医疗机构约定采购量,并进一步优化儿童专用药品定价规则,确保该类药品有一定的利润空间,提高生产企业的研发供应意愿,从而保障儿童药品的使用供应。
英文摘要: OBJECTIVE To analyze the current situation of pediatric drug use under centralized drug procurement, and to provide reference for the subsequent design of pediatric drug centralized procurement rules. METHODS The comparative analysis method was used to analyze the problems in the centralized procurement, clinical use and supply of pediatric drugs from the aspects of centralized procurement selection results and actual use of pediatric drugs, price difference and online prices of pediatric drugs. The solutions were put forward to optimize the centralized procurement and pricing rules of pediatric drugs. RESULTS & CONCLUSIONS The demands for pediatric drugs in China were increasing, but the supply of marketed pediatric drugs was insufficient (including insufficient coverage of disease fields, insufficient varieties, insufficient suitable dosage forms for children, insufficient specifications for children, etc.), and the development of pediatric drugs was relatively difficult. After merging the dosage forms of centralized procurement according to the medical insurance list, some suitable dosage forms and specifications for children couldn’t be selected, resulting in a shortage of clinical pediatric medication. Relevant enterprises’ enthusiasm for developing and producing pediatric drugs and participating in online competitions had decreased. There was also the problem of underpricing of pediatric drugs under the drug price difference ratio rule. It is recommended that when conducting centralized drug procurement, special drugs for children should be grouped separately for centralized procurement based on attributes and the population covered by the indications. The specifications of suitable pediatric drugs that were not selected are converted into the agreed purchase quantity of medical institutions in a certain proportion. It is necessary to further optimize the pricing rules for pediatric specialized drugs, ensure a certain profit margin for such drugs, increase the willingness of production enterprises to research, develop and supply drugs, and thus ensure the use and supply of pediatric drugs.
期刊: 2023年第34卷第24期
作者: 刘俊刚;杨星怡;黄洁莹;徐伟
英文作者: LIU Jungang,YANG Xingyi,HUANG Jieying,XU Wei
关键字: 集中带量采购;儿童药品;差比价;定价;短缺
KEYWORDS: centralized drug procurement; pediatric drug; price difference ratio; pricing; shortage
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